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  • Blay Foldex / Berlitz
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Anatomia del Gray
Standring S.

Revision and editing of the ‘Neuroanatomy’ and ‘Pectoral Girdle & Upper Limb’ sections, and part of the ‘Thorax’ section (original title: ‘Gray’s Anatomy. The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice edited by Susan Standring’, 40th ed.)
Co-translation from English into Italian of the self-assessment quizzes published online.

Anatomia e fisiologia umana
Patton K.T., Thibodeau G.A.

Co-translation from English into Italian (original title: ‘Anatomy & Physiology’, 7th ed.).

Anestesiologia – Processo decisionale
Bready L.L., Dillman D., Noorily S.H.

Revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Decision Making in Anesthesiology’, 4th ed.).

Atlante di anatomia ortopedica di Netter
Thompson J.C., Netter F.H.

Co-translation from English into Italian (original title: ‘Netter’s Concise Orthopaedic Anatomy’, 2nd ed.); revision and editing of the whole textbook; proofreading; terminological harmonisation; translation team supervision.

Atlante di chirurgia mininvasiva
Frantzides C.T., Carlson M.A.

Revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Atlas of Minimally Invasive Surgery’); translation team supervision.

Biochimica per le discipline biomediche
Baynes J.W., Dominiczak M.H.

Revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Medical Biochemistry’, 3rd ed.).

VV.AA., under the scientific direction of Niles Eldredge and Telmo Pievani

Translation from English into Italian of a selection of scientific essays. ‘Ecosphera’ is a 6-volume interdisciplinary publication featuring contributions from some of the foremost experts in the fields of ecology, economics, demographics, geopolitics, physical sciences, earth sciences, biology, medicine, and technology and is intended to promote a new environmental culture.

Rang H.P., Dale M.M., Ritter J.M., Flower R.J., Henderson G.

Co-translation from English into Italian (original title: ‘Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology’, 7th ed.).

Gastroenterologia del cane e del gatto
Steiner J.M.

Co-translation from English into Italian, revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Small Animal Gastroenterology’).

L’evoluzionista riluttante
Codice Edizioni2008
David Quammen

Translation from English into Italian (original title ‘The Reluctant Mr. Darwin: An Intimate Portrait of Charles Darwin and the Making of His Theory of Evolution’).
Also selected by the Italian scientific magazine ‘Le Scienze’ to be included in its series ‘La biblioteca delle scienze’ (March 2012 issue)!
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La fine del cibo
Codice Edizioni2009
Paul Roberts

Translation from English into Italian of chapters 1 to 5 (original title ‘The End of Food’).
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Les 1000 mots à connaître – Italien
Blay Foldex / Berlitz2012

Translation and adaptation from English into Italian.

Malattie del cuore di Braunwald
Bonow R.O., Mann D.L., Zipes D.P., Libby P.

Co-translation from English into Italian, revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine’, 9th ed.); translation team supervision.

Mc Cracken – Protesi rimovibile parziale
Carr A.B., Brown D.T.

Revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Removable Partial Prosthodontics’, 12th ed.); translation team supervision.

Miniviti e placche – Dispositivi temporanei di ancoraggio in ortodonzia
Nanda R., Uribe F.A.

Revision and editing of part of the textbook.

Netter 2011 Flashcards – Arti superiori, testa e collo, arti inferiori
Iphone, iPod touch & iPad App

Translation of the Upper Limb cards from English into Italian; revision and editing of all the flashcards; translation team supervision (original title: ‘Netter’s Anatomy Flash Cards — Head and Neck; Upper Limb; Lower Limb’).

NETTER Atlante di anatomia, fisiopatologia e clinica – Apparato respiratorio
Kaminsky D.A.

Co-translation from English into Italian (original title: ‘The Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations: Respiratory System’, 2nd ed.); revision and editing of the whole textbook; translation team supervision.

Edra (LSWR)2013
Cambier J., Masson M., Dehen H., Masson C.

Co-translation from French into Italian (original title: ‘Neurologie’) of the updates to the 12th French edition; translation team supervision.

OH Manuale di terapia intensiva
Bersten A.D., Soni N.

Co-translation from English into Italian, revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Oh’s Intensive Care Manual’, 6th ed.).

Pediatria di Nelson
Kliegman R.M., Stanton B.F., St. Geme J., Schor N.F., Behrman R.E.

Co-translation from English into Italian (original title: ‘Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics’, 19th ed.).

Psicopatologia del bambino
Edra (LSWR)2013
Marcelli D., Cohen D.

Co-translation from French into Italian (original title: ‘Enfance et psychopathologie’) of the updates to the 8th French edition.

Robbins e Cotran – Le basi patologiche delle malattie
Kumar V., Abbas A.K., Fausto N., Aster J.C.

Co-translation from English into Italian, revision and editing of part of the textbook (original title: ‘Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease’, 8th ed.).

Want to read something I translated? I’ll be glad to send you some excerpts.